Our Soldiers Need Our Help!
For some, the war isn’t over–even long after they’ve come home. As many as 2 out of every 10 of the soldiers who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan over the last decade are still fighting against PTSD: they may experience flashbacks, nightmares, may feel threatened in any crowd, some constantly feel “keyed up” (hyperarousal) and can’t sleep, concentrate or focus. Many will steer away from loving relationships, out of fear of loss or a genuine lack of trust in others.
Veterans are committing
suicide at the rate of 22 per day.
(VA Suicide Data Report, 2012)
Idaho Horse Therapy is Part of the Solution
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy is a very effective treatment for PTSD. EAGALA has recently published a number of studies demonstrating the success of EAP with the veteran population. Keep an eye on our website for these articles as they are made available to us!
Idaho Horse Therapy is raising funds to continue to bring these proven treatments to veterans in our area. Donations small and large are appreciated– your donation supports our Re-Boot Camp program, a week long event, designed to help our military veterans and active duty men and women deal with the devastating affects of PTSD… at no cost to them.
Learn more about our Re-Boot Camp® at:
Please donate and help us reach our goal!
Mail check to: Idaho Horse Therapy, Inc. • 838 West 520 North • Shoshone, ID 83352
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